World of warships replay control
World of warships replay control

world of warships replay control

Namely if you know an update will occur disconnect the internet on that PC or choose to NOT update.

world of warships replay control world of warships replay control

It would be interesting to try to have another PC and not have it updated so the files are not over written and see if the previous version of replays can run. Well that totally KILLED my arguments about older replays working if one kept the same version EXE and support files elsewhere !! Supposedly WOW is rumored to be able to play ANY replay as all the earlier versions are saved in their system. I have tried it on a clean install, run the WoWs repair, disabled firewall and virus tools, cleared out mods, all to no avail. Now the game loads and the anchor symbol appears and the replay never begins. Up until two or three updates ago I could drag a replay game file on the appropriate version exe of the client (current, past saved in a separate directory) and the game would start and load the replay.

World of warships replay control